Registry Rocket

RegistryRocket is a customizable e-commerce web page and a Credit Card Processing service for resellers. It is designed as a tool for you to sell domain names. You give your site a name, upload a logo (or not), and set the pricing. We take care of the website hosting, merchant processing and other eNom services.

Track sales and watch your account balance grow in your eNom reseller account. Whether this is your permanent e-commerce solution for domain name sales, or an interim option until you have your own merchant account established, RegistryRocket works.

Use RegistryRocket and eNom's credit card processing

Attention resellers! Now you can simplify the payment collection portion of your eNom transactions.

  • Accept credit card payments
  • Fast and secure payments
  • Low fees

Note: If you already host your Domain Name web site, and want to just use the Credit Card Processing feature, you can do so by running the API on your web site. This feature will be accessible once you have agreed to the RegistryRocket terms.

How do I sell with RegistryRocket?
  1. Sign up for RegistryRocket and accept the terms of use.
  2. We will host the scripts for you. All you need then is a link on your
    site which will be mailed to you when you finish this sign up process.
How do I sign up to just use eNom's Credit Card Processing service?
  1. Sign up for RegistryRocket and accept the terms of use.
  2. Use the parameters included in the API.
    You won't need to create any RegistryRocket links
Questions? Call sales at
1 (425) 274-4500
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   is part of Tucows, a leading domain name services company.
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