Why Register A .ORG?

Trusted across all backgrounds, ages and nationalities, .ORG is where people turn to find credible information, get involved, fund causes and support advocacy. As a premier domain, .ORG provides an unrivaled channel to share ideas, to enhance lives, and to make a positive impact on the world.

What is the Advantage of .ORG domains?

When you buy a .ORG, your organization is linked to a well-established brand of trust and integrity. One of the original top-level domains (TLDs), .ORG became the registry of choice for organizations dedicated to serving the public interest, and today .ORG is considered one of the most trusted domains on the internet.

If your organization is a noncommercial entity, people expect to find you in the .ORG community — nonprofits, foundations, philanthropic and cultural institutions, religious, civic, arts, social and fraternal organizations, health and legal services, clubs and community volunteer groups.

But .ORG is not just for non-profits. Hundreds of thousands of individuals, businesses, and organizations of all sizes make .ORG their online home. It’s the world’s most trusted domain, bringing credibility to an organization’s mission-based initiatives.

.ORG also protects your brand and trademark as represented in your other domain name TLD registrations

Who registers .ORG domains?

Large and small, local and global, .ORG domains influence our world every day, effecting positive change on our planet. Check out how different organizations are leveraging .ORG to achieve their goals in the .ORG Story Library

Can I register a .ORG domain name?

Yes. .ORG always has been — and will continue to be — an open and unrestricted domain. Anyone is allowed to register and use .ORG domain names.

.ORG is home for millions of web sites, including charitable, artistic, scientific, personal, educational, social, cultural and religious sites.

.ORG sites are run by clubs, incorporated and unincorporated not-for-profit organizations, industry associations, families, individuals, schools, foundations, and more. Even for-profit companies leverage .ORG to power their websites.

Why can't I register a one-character or two-letter .ORG domain name?

Certain domain names are to be reserved per ICANN's directive. The domain names listed there, including all one-character and two-character domains, are reserved "from initial (i.e., other than renewal) registration within the TLD." In other words, should any of those previously registered domain names be allowed to expire, or if they are deleted, they will be placed on reserved status and will NOT be made available to the public for registration again.

I found a .ORG Web site that is commercial in nature. Is this allowed?

Yes. .ORG is an unrestricted top-level domain, and anyone can register.

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