SiteLock FAQs

What is SiteLock and what does it do?

SiteLock is a service that performs daily scans of a website to identify vulnerabilities and protect against threats like viruses, cross-site scripting, SQL injection and even email blacklisting.

The SiteLock™ Trust Seal provides customer confidence and increases your sales and conversions.

What types of problems does SiteLock scan for?

SiteLock performs a Deep 360 Scan that encompasses:

  • Reputation monitoring: ensures the reputation of the website is intact and communication to visitors and customers is uninterrupted.
  • Malware blacklist: monitors search engine and proprietary malware lists to make sure the site is not blocked by search engines and browsers.
  • Spam blacklist: ensures that e-mails reach customers' inbox (not their Spam folder), SiteLock verifies e-mail addresses, domains, and email servers against lists used by popular email tools to identify spam.
  • SSL Verification: ensures users do not see a certificate warning or error when visiting your site.
  • Network security: validates the security of the network by making sure there is no opportunity for hackers to access the server.
  • Drive-by-downloads: scans the website to ensure visitors are not being infected with viruses often placed on websites by hackers.
  • Customer data protection (SQL & XSS): performs forward- and backward-looking scans to make sure current and future visitor/customer data on the site is secure.
  • Application security: verifies that any 3rd-party applications installed on your website are secure and up-to-date.
  • Business Verification: certifies the validity of the business and provides a certification badge to display to website visitors to let them know the business or website is legitimate.
  • Domain ownership: ensures that the domain owner is in control of the website domain.
  • Postal Address: verifies that the site owner can receive and respond to postal mail, such as customer payments or inquiries.
  • Phone Verification: ensures that there is a phone number where customers can report issues or request additional products or services.

How is SiteLock billed?

SiteLock is a subscription service which is billed for in advance and available in one-year terms.

What is the email address that all SiteLock emails sent to customers will be coming?

The list of emails that are sent come from servers, and You may want to whitelist these email addresses.

How does SiteLock notify customers when it finds an issue?

SiteLock will inform the site owner by email, and with an alert in the SiteLock Dashboard. The report will provide complete information about the issue that is found along with help to remove it.

What happens if SiteLock finds a vulnerability? Will the SiteLock seal tell visitors that a website has failed?

Site visitors will not be alerted to any problem. The SiteLock seal will simply continue to display the date of the last good scan of the website site. If the site owner fails to rectify the problem, within a few days SiteLock will remove the seal from the site and replace it with a single pixel transparent image. At no point will SiteLock display any indication to visitors that a website has failed a scan.

Does SiteLock work with any hosting company, server and software?


Will SiteLock impact website performance?

No. SiteLock scans won't impact the performance of a website. The SiteLock seal has no impact on load times.

How does the Virus Scan work?

The Virus scanner works by pulling the files from our daily scans and comparing them to an industry-leading database of virus signatures to determine if there is any match between your site and known malicious code. Because this is an intensive process and it is important to avoid an impact to your website’s performance, the scan is done on a rolling basis, downloading a piece of your site each day. For most sites, this process completes within 30 days.

How do I install the SiteLock seal?

Users simply include the JavaScript snippet that SiteLock provides in the footer area of their site or template.

Sign-Up Process

The Site Lock product will be active once the user has paid for and configured the service, by entering the required account information

  • A welcome email is sent out from SiteLock - The email contains instructions for installing the SiteLock certificate on their website
    - This is an automated call that informs the customer of the 4 digit pin for their account
    - The customer must log in to their dashboard and enter the code for verification to be completed
    - If a client does not answer, they can request another call in their dashboard
  • A scan of the clients website will take place within 24 hours
    - Scans run late at night so typically by midnight, their site will have been scanned
    - If vulnerabilities are found, the client will be notified via email and message alert within their dashboard

When the scan has been completed, the client can add the SiteLock seal to their website.

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